In this second example, RangeShiftR
is used at the
landscape scale to model functional connectivity of a woodland network
for a hypothetical woodland species. The aims are:
We want to reproduce Figure 3 of Bocedi et al. (2014). To this end, we run four different scenarios:
Bocedi et al. (2014) defined the measures ‘final probability of occupancy’ and the ‘mean time to first colonisation’ to illustrate the connectivity between the initial patch and the rest of the woodland network. These measures allow rapidly assessing the effects of landscape characteristics and species movement abilities on connectivity and, importantly, also on the population dynamics. Note that both measures represent multi-generation connectivity.
We need to set up the folder structure again with the three sub-folders named ‘Inputs’, ‘Outputs’ and ‘Output_Maps’.
# relative path from working directory:
dirpath = "Tutorial_02/"
dir.create(paste0(dirpath,"Inputs"), showWarnings = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(dirpath,"Outputs"), showWarnings = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(dirpath,"Output_Maps"), showWarnings = TRUE)
Copy the input files provided for exercise 2 into the ‘Inputs’ folder. The files can be downloaded here.
We use a typical British lowland, agricultural landscape having small fragments of woodland, as used by Forest Research, UK, in Watts et al. (2010). The landscape map has an extent of 10km by 6km and a resolution of 10m. Land-covers were aggregated into seven categories (Figure 3a in Bocedi et al. (2014)). Similar to tutorial 1, the map, landscape_10m_batch.txt, is a raster map with codes for different land-cover types. Land-covers were aggregated into seven categories which have to be given as sequential integer numbers, starting from one:
landsc <- terra::rast(paste0(dirpath, "Inputs/landscape_10m_batch.txt"))
# Plot land cover map and highlight cells with initial species distribution - option 2 with categorical legend:
landsc.f <- as.factor(landsc)
# add the land cover classes to the raster attribute table
rat <- levels(landsc.f)[[1]][-2]
rat[["landcover"]] <- c("semi-natural broad-leaved woodland", "planted/felled broad-leaved and mixed woodland", "heathland, marshy grassland", "unimproved grassland", "planted/felled coniferous woodland", "improved grasslands, arable, water", "roads, buildings")
levels(landsc.f) <- rat
plot(landsc.f, axes = F, col=brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Spectral"))
The second text file, woodland_1ha_patchIDs.txt, contains the patch-matrix landscape. It has the same extent and resolution as the land-type map, and each cell contains a unique patch ID that indicates to which patch it belongs. Patch number 0 designates the matrix patch, i.e. all unsuitable habitat.
patch <- terra::rast(paste0(dirpath, "Inputs/woodland_1ha_patchIDs.txt"))
# We can have a glimpse at how many cells the different patches contain:
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 585734 287 232 243 996 240 238 181 141 990 162
## 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
## 221 311 207 594 694 118 137 172 245 361 423
## 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
## 349 145 1141 138 401 280 336 706 1919 249 154
## 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
## 166 524 215 1277 383 735 113 1008 447 125 100
## 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
## 547 116 225 675 189 110 301
# Plot the patches in different colours:
plot(patch, axes=F, legend=F,
col = c('black',rep(brewer.pal(n = 12, name = "Paired"),5))
The last text file, patch30.txt, is a map that specifies the patches that contain the initial distribution of the species. In our case, this is only the patch with ID 30.
patch30 <- terra::rast(paste0(dirpath, "Inputs/patch30.txt"))
# Look at initial patch:
plot(patch30, type="continuous")
We are ready to set up the landscape parameter object with these
maps, their respective resolutions, and the demographic density
dependence for all land cover types. In contrast to tutorial 1, we will
use a stage-structured population model here (defined below), so that
the values in K_or_DensDep
will be used as the parameter
1/b in the population dynamics (see
), describing the strength density
dependence (in fecundity, development and survival).
We choose to define only ‘semi-natural broad-leaved woodland’ (code 1) as suitable for our species.
land <- ImportedLandscape(LandscapeFile = "landscape_10m_batch.txt",
PatchFile = "woodland_1ha_patchIDs.txt",
Resolution = 10,
Nhabitats = 7,
K_or_DensDep = c(10, rep(0,6)),
SpDistFile = "patch30.txt",
SpDistResolution = 10)
We will simulate a sexual species with simple, two-staged structured population dynamics. The parameters are chosen to be representative of species having moderately high fecundity, high juvenile mortality and low adult mortality. This is encoded in the following transition matrix
(trans_mat <- matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4, 5, 0, 0.8), nrow = 3, byrow = F))
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 0 0.0 5.0
## [2,] 1 0.1 0.0
## [3,] 0 0.4 0.8
The first row and column describe the juvenile stage, the others the two adult stages. Juveniles will develop to the first adult stage at the end of their first year with a probability of 1.0, which allows for juvenile dispersal before any mortality happens.
In order to add a stage-structure to our population dynamics, we use
the StageStructure()
function within the demography module.
The reproduction type 1 denotes a simple sexual model,
i.e. mating is not explicitly modelled.
stg <- StageStructure(Stages=3, # 1 juvenile + 2 adult stages
demo <- Demography(StageStruct = stg,
ReproductionType = 1) # simple sexual model
After reproduction, we allow only juveniles to disperse, and define a
density-dependent emigration probability. To do so, we enable the
options DensDep=T
and StageDep=T
, and in the
matrix EmigProb
we set the parameters D0 =
0.5, α = 10.0 and β = 1.0 for juveniles and
to zero for all adult stages.
To account for functional connectivity, we use a mechanistic movement
model which enables individuals to interact with the landscape and
determine their path according to what they can perceive in the
landscape. Therefore we will simulate movements with a stochastic
movement simulator (SMS()
) where individuals move stepwise
(each step goes from one cell to a neighbouring cell) and the direction
chosen at each step is determined by the land cover costs (specified for
each land type), the species’ perceptual range (PR
) and
directional persistence (DP
). We set these parameters so
that individuals have a perceptual range of 50m, use the
arithmetic mean method (the default) for calculating effective cost
(which tends to emphasise the avoidance of high-cost landscape
features), and tend to follow highly correlated paths within the
landscape. We also set a constant per-step mortality probability
Once arrived in a new patch, an individual decides to settle or not based on certain settlement rules. Finding suitable habitat is a necessary condition in all cases. Additionally, we set mate availability as requirement, i.e. there has to be at least one individual of the opposite sex present in the patch to be considered suitable for settlement.
disp <- Dispersal(Emigration = Emigration(DensDep=T, StageDep=T,
EmigProb = cbind(0:2,c(0.5,0,0),c(10.0,0,0),c(1.0,0,0)) ),
Transfer = SMS(PR=5, DP=10, Costs = c(1,1,3,5,10,20,50), StepMort = 0.01),
Settlement = Settlement(FindMate = T) )
We can visualise the defined processes by plotting some of the rates and probabilities that we have parameterised:
We choose to initialise our simulation in all initial patches (specified in initial distribution map; in our case only patch #30) at a density of 10 individuals per hectare, with an equal number of individuals in stages 1 and 2 at their respective minimum age.
# Population is initialised in Patch 30:
init <- Initialise(InitType = 1, # from loaded species distribution map
SpType = 0, # all suitable cells
InitDens = 2, # user-specified density
IndsHaCell = 10,
PropStages = c(0,0.5,0.5),
InitAge = 0)
We set the simulation time to 100 years and 20 replicates, and set the output types to write the files for population, occupancy and range data every year.
sim <- Simulation(Simulation = 0,
Replicates = 20,
Years = 100,
OutIntPop = 1,
OutIntOcc = 1,
OutIntRange = 1)
As before, we need to stitch all modules together to a parameter
master. Within RSsim()
, we can also set a seed for the
random number generator to make our results reproducible:
s <- RSsim(batchnum = 3, land = land, demog = demo, dispersal = disp, simul = sim, init = init, seed = 324135)
Run the simulation:
RunRS(s, dirpath)
To analyse the simulation output, we first plot the meta-population results. Note here that - in contrast to the cell-based model from exercise 1 - the plotted occupancy refers to occupied patches rather than cells.
plotAbundance(s, dirpath)
plotOccupancy(s, dirpath)
In order to create occupancy maps, we first plot the landscape with the suitable patches in green and the initial patch in red. This color scheme was also used in Fig. 3a of Bocedi et al. (2014).
# We have initiated the population in the patch with ID=30. We highlight this in the map.
values(patch30)[values(patch30)<1] <- NA
values(patch)[values(patch)<1] <- NA
plot(landsc, axes=F,breaks=seq(.5,7.5,by=1),
col = rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Greys") ), legend=F)
plot(patch, axes=F, col="green4", legend=F, add=T)
plot(as.polygons(patch30, dissolve=T), col=NA, border='red',lwd=2, add=T)
# Store underlying landscape map display for later:
bg <- function(main=NULL){
plot(landsc, axes=F, breaks=seq(.5,7.5,by=1), legend=F,
col = rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Greys") ), main=ifelse(is.null(main),"",main))
# as well as the extent of the landscape:
e <- ext(landsc)
To reproduce Fig. 3b of Bocedi et al.
(2014), we map the mean occupancy probability for each patch in
year 100 (left panel in the paper) as well as the mean time to
colonisation (right panel), both calculated over the 20
replicates. We can use the built-in function
for this. It calculates the mean
occupancy probability of given years as well as the time to colonisation
for all replicates:
col_stats_a <- ColonisationStats(s, dirpath, years = 100, maps = T)
## Warning: [rast] the first raster was empty and was ignored
# mean occupancy probability in year 100
## patch 100
## 1 15 0.10
## 2 17 0.10
## 3 18 0.00
## 4 20 0.15
## 5 23 1.00
## 6 24 1.00
# time to colonisation
## patch rep.0 rep.1 rep.2 rep.3 rep.4 rep.5 rep.6 rep.7 rep.8 rep.9 rep.10
## 1 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 NA NA 63 NA
## 2 17 NA NA NA NA NA 75 NA NA NA NA NA
## 4 20 89 NA NA NA 49 NA NA NA NA 49 NA
## 5 23 35 39 34 46 25 37 35 47 64 35 23
## 6 24 9 23 15 29 3 11 1 28 36 20 12
## rep.11 rep.12 rep.13 rep.14 rep.15 rep.16 rep.17 rep.18 rep.19
## 1 NA NA 44 NA NA NA 80 NA NA
## 2 43 80 45 NA NA NA 86 NA NA
## 4 NA NA 19 NA 35 44 60 52 NA
## 5 28 43 24 55 84 33 42 37 50
## 6 14 17 6 39 24 16 25 17 36
For mapping the results, we can use the optional raster output: If
enabled, the function ColonisationStats()
returns a raster
stack with the mean occupancy probabilities of the given years as well
as a raster with the mean time to colonisation over all replicates. We
plot these maps on top of our landscape:
# map occupancy probability
mycol_occprob <- colorRampPalette(c('blue','orangered','gold'))
plot(col_stats_a$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(10), type="continuous")
# map occupancy probability on landscape background
plot(col_stats_a$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(10), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# map colonisation time
mycol_coltime <- colorRampPalette(c('orangered','gold','yellow','PowderBlue','LightSeaGreen'))
plot(col_stats_a$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous")
# map colonisation time on landscape background
plot(col_stats_a$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
This experiment was designed to provide an example of how the dispersal behaviour of the species and the specification of settlement rules can change the estimated connectivity of a habitat network. We will relax the mating requirement a little by making it sex-dependent and only setting it for males. This means that female dispersers will settle in suitable patches regardless of males, while males settle only when finding a female.
# Change Settlement rules
disp_b <- Dispersal(Emigration = Emigration(DensDep=T, StageDep=T,
EmigProb = cbind(0:2,c(0.5,0,0),c(10.0,0,0),c(1.0,0,0)) ),
Transfer = SMS(PR=5, DP=10, Costs = c(1,1,3,5,10,20,50), StepMort = 0.01),
Settlement = Settlement(FindMate = c(F,T), SexDep=T, Settle=cbind(c(0,1)) ) )
# Update simulation
sim_b <- Simulation(Simulation = 1,
Replicates = 20,
Years = 100,
OutIntPop = 1,
OutIntOcc = 1,
OutIntRange = 1)
# Update parameter master
s_b <- s + disp_b + sim_b
# run simulation
RunRS(s_b, dirpath)
Now, let’s post-process the simulation results and plot the maps.
# Get colonisation stats
col_stats_b <- ColonisationStats(s_b, dirpath, years = 100, maps = T)
## Warning: [rast] the first raster was empty and was ignored
# Map occupancy probabilities:
plot(col_stats_b$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# map colonisation time + background
plot(col_stats_b$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
From both the visualisation and the results, we see that relaxing the mate-finding rules substantially increased the number of occupied patches, their probability of occupancy and the mean time to colonisation. This results in higher functional connectivity of the woodland network over 100 years.
Here we change the demography module to represent a female-only model. This change also has important consequences for the dispersal process and potential implications for patterns of colonisation across a landscape. Female-only models assume that males are not limiting, and that the population dynamics are driven only by females. It also means that sexes are not modelled explicitly and it is not possible to account for behaviours like mate-finding in the settlement decisions; females will settle in suitable habitat patches and then will automatically be able to attempt reproduction.
The stage-structure of the model remains the same apart from
accounting for the female-only case. In particular, in female-only
models, we ignore the male part of the population and offspring.
Therefore, we set the fecundity of stage 3 to 2.5 instead of
5.0 and the demographic density dependence 1/b
) to 5 instead of 10.
Sex-dependent settlement options are no longer available.
# Change demographic density dependence to half its value of the sexual model
land_c <- ImportedLandscape(LandscapeFile = "landscape_10m_batch.txt",
PatchFile = "woodland_1ha_patchIDs.txt",
Resolution = 10,
Nhabitats = 7,
K_or_DensDep = c(5, rep(0,6)),
SpDistFile = "patch30.txt",
SpDistResolution = 10)
# Change demography settings
stg_c <- StageStructure(Stages=3,
TransMatrix=matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4, 2.5, 0, 0.8), nrow = 3, byrow = F),
demo_c <- Demography(StageStruct = stg_c,
ReproductionType = 0) # female-only model
# Remove settlement rules
disp_c <- Dispersal(Emigration = Emigration(DensDep=T, StageDep=T,
EmigProb = cbind(0:2,c(0.5,0,0),c(10.0,0,0),c(1.0,0,0)) ),
Transfer = SMS(PR=5, DP=10, Costs = c(1,1,3,5,10,20,50), StepMort = 0.01),
Settlement = Settlement()
# Update simulation
sim_c <- Simulation(Simulation = 2,
Replicates = 20,
Years = 100,
OutIntPop = 1,
OutIntOcc = 1,
OutIntRange = 1)
# parameter master
s_c <- RSsim(batchnum = 3, land = land_c, demog = demo_c, dispersal = disp_c, simul = sim_c, init = init, seed = 48263)
RunRS(s_c, dirpath)
Process the output and plot the occupancy maps:
# Get colonisation stats
col_stats_c <- ColonisationStats(s_c, dirpath, years = 100, maps = T)
## Warning: [rast] the first raster was empty and was ignored
# Map occupancy probabilities:
plot(col_stats_c$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# Map colonisation time + background
plot(col_stats_c$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
As we see from the results, the asexual model without mate finding as settlement rule leads to a drastic increase in the overall occupancy of the habitat network after 100 years.
In this last simulation, we will demonstrate how
can incorporate more complexity in the way that
movement is modelled. We relax the unrealistic assumption that the
per-step mortality is constant across all land-cover types, and assign
different mortality values to each habitat. To set up this simulation,
we use the parameters from scenario a) and only add a modified transfer
module. Here, we define StepMort
as habitat-dependent by
providing a vector with mortality probabilities for each land cover
# Update Transfer sub-module within the dispersal module
disp_d <- disp + SMS(PR=5, DP=10, Costs = c(1,1,3,5,10,20,50),
StepMort = c(0,0,0,0.01,0.01,0.02,0.05)
# Update simulation
sim_d <- Simulation(Simulation = 3,
Replicates = 20,
Years = 100,
OutIntPop = 1,
OutIntOcc = 1,
OutIntRange = 1)
# Use parameter master from a) and add new transfer module
s_d <- s + disp_d + sim_d
Run the simulation:
RunRS(s_d, dirpath)
Process and map results:
# Get colonisation stats
col_stats_d <- ColonisationStats(s_d, dirpath, years = 100, maps = T)
## Warning: [rast] the first raster was empty and was ignored
# Map occupancy probabilities:
plot(col_stats_d$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# map colonisation time + background
plot(col_stats_d$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
We see that such small changes in the per-step mortality, in interaction with the landscape structure, make a big difference in the results, in this case decreasing the functional connectivity of the network.
Let’s plot all maps next to each other.
# Plot occupancy probabilities for all scenarios
bg(main="Scenario A")
plot(col_stats_a$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario B")
plot(col_stats_b$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario C")
plot(col_stats_c$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario D")
plot(col_stats_d$map_occ_prob, axes=F, range=c(0,1), col=mycol_occprob(11), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# Plot colonisation times for all scenarios
bg(main="Scenario A")
plot(col_stats_a$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario B")
plot(col_stats_b$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario C")
plot(col_stats_c$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
bg(main="Scenario D")
plot(col_stats_d$map_col_time, axes=F, breaks=c(-9,seq(-9,100,length=11)), col=c('blue',mycol_coltime(20)), type="continuous", plg=list(x="bottom", ext=c(e$xmin+400, e$xmax-400, e$ymin-150, e$ymin-50)), add =T)
# reset plot layout
As an additional tool to analyse the connectivity of a landscape and to assess how the matrix is used by dispersing individuals, the option to output a dispersal heatmap is provided (available only in case of SMS as the transfer method). In this section, we re-run scenario c) as an example to show how to create and plot such a heatmap.
We use an alternative option for the initialisation of the
population. Instead of providing a species distribution map, a text file
can be given that specifies a list of initial patches (or cells, in a
cell-based model) and initial local populations. This text file must
contain a specific list of columns that also depend on your model
settings (please see ?Initialise
). For sexual models, you
need to include the column “Sex”; for stage-structured models, you need
to include the columns “Age” and “Stage”. For the correct format of the
initial individuals file, please refer to the documentation and the
example file given with this tutorial.
The corresponding initialisation module is specified like this:
# alternative initialisation in patch 30:
init_alt <- Initialise(InitType = 2, # = from initial individuals list file
InitIndsFile = "initial_inds_c.txt")
The output of the SMS heatmaps is enabled in the simulation module
using the parameter SMSHeatMap
# update simulation module
sim_c2 <- Simulation(SMSHeatMap = T,
Simulation = 4,
Replicates = 20,
Years = 100,
OutIntPop = 0,
OutIntRange = 0)
With these changes and all other modules from scenario c) as defined above, we create the modified parameter master and run the simulation.
# parameter master
s_c2 <- s_c+ sim_c2
RunRS(s_c2, dirpath)
For each replicate, we now obtain an SMS heatmap that is saved in the folder ‘Output_Maps’ as an ASCII raster file. The heatmap values represent the number of visits by a dispersing individual to each non-habitat cell. That is, during the dispersal phase each step that was taken by any individual increases the counter of the cell in which this step ended. Thus, the resulting dispersal heatmap can be used to assess those parts of the landscape matrix that are frequently used for dispersal, whether it was successful or not.
Let’s first look at one replicate only and plot it:
col=magma(9), axes=F)
The matrix around the initial patch and the first colonised patches appears thoroughly explored. Further away from the initial patch, the number of visits decreases and parts of individual dispersal trajectories are discernible.
Because movement is stochastic, the number of visits per cell and the colonisation of empty patches are different for each replicate. In order to take into account this variance, we average over all replicates and plot the resulting heatmap:
# create a raster stack with all replicates as layers
heatmaps_stack <- rast()
for(rep in 0:(s_c2@simul@Replicates-1)){
heatmaps_stack <- c(heatmaps_stack,
terra::rast(paste0(dirpath, "Output_Maps/Batch",
s_c2@control@batchnum, "_Sim",
s_c2@simul@Simulation, "_Land",
s_c2@land@LandNum,"_Rep",rep ,"_Visits.txt")))
## Warning: [rast] the first raster was empty and was ignored
# average over all layers
heatmaps_mean <- mean(heatmaps_stack)
We create a non-linear color scale, in which the color changes more rapidly for small numbers of visits than higher ones:
# create exponential color scale
res <- 20
exp <- 3
lim <- max(values(heatmaps_mean),na.rm = T) <- seq(1,lim^(1/exp),length.out=res)^exp
col=hcl.colors(res, "Inferno", rev = T),
breaks =, axes=F, type="continuous")
Note that individuals cannot cross the landscape boundaries, so that their paths tend to follow and sometimes accumulate along the borders. To avoid simulation artifacts resulting from this behaviour, there should be sufficient space between relevant habitat patches and the landscape boundaries.
Last, let’s overlay the averaged heatmap on the landscape background. Here, you can nicely see that the movement in the landscape depends a lot on the landscape context and the costs associated to each landcover type.
col=hcl.colors(res, "Inferno", rev = T, alpha=.8),
breaks =, axes=F, type="continuous", add=T, legend=F)